eBooks & eAudio

New! Overdrive ebooks can now be found, previewed, downloaded or a hold placed directly by searching the catalogue.  Getting your ebooks this way means that they will show on your library My Account and when finished will appear in your reading history.


OverDrive is a free digital platform which allows you to download eBooks and audio books. Members of the Ashburton Public Library can access OverDrive through the South Island Downloadable Zone - a consortium of a number of South Island libraries.

Currently there is a selection of adult fiction eBooks and audio titles. This collection will soon expand to include non-fiction, young adults and children's material. New titles are regularly added.

Read our Overdrive User Guide


BorrowBox (Bolinda Digital) offers many eAudio titles as well as eBooks.  Up to date titles from Australia and New Zealand are available as well as works by international authors.  Borrowers using BorrowBox are limited to five Canterbury libraries - Ashburton, Hurunui, Timaru, Waimakariri and Selwyn, so availability should be better than with OverDrive.

Users can download 2 eBooks and 2 eAudio items at a time with a loan period of 14 days.  Items can not be returned early.

There is a BorrowBox app which enables downloads to smartphones and other mobile devices.


Hoopla digital offers hundreds of books, audio books, music and movies for adults, teens and children.  With regular bonus borrows on offer, hoopla really is a one stop destination.  To access hoopla, you will need your library card and PIN.

eBook Sessions

The Ashburton Public Library runs regular sessions about eBooks and how to borrow books from the library.

Learn more about the library's eBook sessions

Learn more about eBooks